Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Indian Condom market is being reviewed

Was watching the idiot box yesterday, and noticed that the Indian Condom market was being given an extensive makeover.. through market research... Ii's so difficult to convince someone to wear one in this part of the world.. perhaps it is the Indian male hangup.....

Now just imagine what happened if a MNC decided to enter the condom market.. say Nike.. No doubt, it would be a great hit.. With a catch phrase of "Just Do It" would not only remove any misgivings on the product, but would also transcend any cultural barriers

Now to go one step further, just imagine if all major retailers started making their own condoms and kept the same tag-line... beginning with Nike..

Nike - Just Do It

Tesco Condoms - every little helps
Galaxy Condoms - Why have rubber when you can have silk.
KFC Condoms - Finger licking good.
Minstrels Condoms - melt in your mouth, not in your hands.
Safeway Condoms - Lightening the load.
Coca Cola condoms - The real thing.
Ever Ready condoms - keep going and going.
Pringles condoms - once you pop, you cant stop
Burger King Condoms - Home of the whopper
Goodyear Condoms - for a longer ride go wide
FCUK condoms - no comment required.
Muller light condoms - so much pleasure, but where's the pain.
Halfords condoms - we go the extra mile.
Royal Mail condoms - I saw this and thought of you.
Andrex condoms - Soft, strong and very very long
Renault condoms - size really does matter!
Ronseal condoms - does exactly what it says on the tin
Ronseal quick-drying condoms - its dry and waterproof in 30 minutes
Domestos condoms - gets right under the rim!!! (Please)
Heineken condoms - reaches parts that other condoms just cannot reach
Carlsberg condoms - probably the best condom in the world
AA Condoms - for the 4th emergency service
Pepperami condoms - it's a bit of an animal
Polo condoms - the condom with the hole!!!

Now to "close" the topic with an anecdote.... no offense please..

How do you make a fish flavoured condom ?
Stick one in your girlfriend....

And to avoid condom related accident use 2 condoms with chilli powder in between them if outer breaks she will know and if inner one breaks you will know !

Viva la condom !